Andromeda “Eda” Arslan

Born January 23, 2022


Andromeda “Eda” Arslan

Born on Sunday the 23rd of January, 2022 at 2:20 A.M. in Austin, Texas, USA.

Weighing 8 lbs. 0 oz. and 21.5 inches tall

Mom was born 8 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 1/2” tall in Platteville, Wisconsin.

Dad was born 8 lbs. 06 oz. in Ankara, Turkey

Baby is given a Name

One evening at dinner when Lacey was about 5 months pregnant, Dinç suggested the name, told the story of Andromeda*, and Lacey was convinced! It is unique, beautiful, and universal. We welcome you to call her “Eda”, a common Turkish name, for short.

*pronounced as An-DRAW-me-da.


Andromeda is named after one of the largest constellations in the northern sky (and the one that her mom and dad observed during their first date under a clear California night in The Mission, San Francisco. The other highlight of the date was Mezcal, but that name was ruled out later)

The constellation gets its name from a titular character in many ancient mythologies. Andromeda (or Antramada in Hittite) was the beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Asia Minor (Modern Turkey). Impressed by her dazzling beauty, her mother bragged that she was way more beautiful than the Nereids. Offended by her insolence, Poseidon (who created the nereids as the nymphs of epitome of beauty and a disaster magnet for unfaithful sailors) wanted to punish Cassiopeia by commanding a sea monster to harass the shores of their kingdom and damage tourism revenues.

Andromeda’s father, influenced by oracles of the East and bankers of Ephesus, wanted to sacrifice his daughter to the monster to end the curse; but she was saved by Perseus, who was conveniently back from his crusade against Medusa (long story) and flying by on his private Pegasus. Falling in love at first sight (from thousands of miles from the sky) he saved her by slaying the monster. They eventually got married and rule over Aegean Sea.

After Perseus eventually got punished by Gods and/or cancelled by the public (because he was a hero and heroes can’t really have a normal retirement) and sent to an underwater exile with no access to Twitter, Andromeda took over as the queen (to fulfill the destiny of her name, which means “Ruler of Man”). Her justice and beloved character was honored by Athena to have her own immortal space in the ancient metaverse, since then she continues to light up the autumn nights.